. The Sisu house . 2011-09-10 . photo . Bonus photo 3/9: my complete set of Zenit Olympics 1980 cameras, Zenit E silver-black with the olympic rings . 2010-07-31 . photo . Bonus photo 7/9: my complete set of Zenit Olympics 1980 cameras, Zenit EM silver-black with the olympic rings . 2010-07-31 . photo . bonus photo Canon EOS 300D, the mirror is up and the broken shutter is revealed . 2009-10-10 . photo . bonus photo To celebrate 90 years of independence this is a photo of Ilveslinna located at Jämsänkoski, Finland. The house served as troops' gathering place and a hospital during the WW2 and was visited by Kyösti Kallio and Risto Ryti, the Presidents of Finland. . 2007-11-25 . photo . bonus photo doughnuts on a lake, the rings were created by out of focus reflex lens . 2006-10-01 . photo 048092